Monday, 22 December 2008


It's drawing in. I can feel it.
Any moment now I will loose my mind and I'll be in bliss.
Not just when I try hard for a couple of hours but all the time. I know it.
And it scares me.
I find distractions. Picking arguments, watching television, movies, provoking people, judging, getting involved in pointless conversations. Ego stuff. Anything but to sit still and observe.
Keith is back on the scene, making me doubt.
'You'll lose everything. Your job, wife and she'll take the children. Have you noticed you are annoying other people? Making them feel uncomfortable. They say things behind your back. They think you strange. You are no longer one of them. It's not too late, you can go back to your old ways.'
Old ways. No thanks. I'm prepared to lose everything.
I think.
And that's the problem.
I think I'm prepared, but not sure. I think. That's the problem.
I think.
But when I'm quiet I know that I will lose nothing and gain everything. I need to be quiet more often. All the time. No one is annoyed by the caring quiet man listening to their problems.
I need a Jackalope to remind me to keep Boundin'.

'The Art of Peace is not easy. It is a fight to the finish, the slaying of evil desires and all falsehood within. On occasion the Voice of Peace resounds like thunder, jolting human beings out of their stupor.' - Morihei Ueshiba.

Thursday, 11 December 2008


Looking back I think my school was trying to tell me something. All the teachers had comical names. Mr Carpenter the woodwork teacher, Mrs French the French teacher and Mrs Spatula the Home Economics teacher. I made that last one up, but the others are true.
In 1979 Another Brick in the Wall was a hit in Britain, and was causing controversy. I was 13 and the English teacher, Mrs Semi-Colon, asked us to write an essay on it.
Mine was read out. I argued that the song was just as bad as the institution it was railing against. It's monotonous hypnotic beat inciting kids to rise up and change the system.
A popular idea with the teachers but not popular with the kids.
So the usual wedgie in the play ground and me wondering when I took my Duffle coat off at home where all that phlegm on the back of it had come from.
Looking back I think what I was trying to say was leave the world alone. I knew then deep down it was a pointless exercise to try and change it. It wont get any worse it wont get any better.
It is just a test.
I lost sight of that as I grew into adulthood, hypnotised by my surroundings. You can only be hypnotised if you want to be hypnotised.
I don't want to be hypnotised anymore.
Time to wake up.

"If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding! How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?!" - Roger Waters.

Tuesday, 9 December 2008


I saw Guru Irene this weekend. She seems to have finally found peace.
She has that look in her eyes. Distant but the lights are on and the mind is still very sharp. It wasn't always that way. She battled alcoholism for 20 years and it crippled her. Her mind was dulled and railing against everything in those years. It has left her gaunt, twisted and in pain. She hardly eats, shuffles about on a zimmer frame, and finds little joy in the world now. Even her grandchildren fail to drag her back into the illusion. She has had enough. But she has found peace.
Have you?
I asked her what she has learnt in her time on this earth.
'Be tough, be strong, don't let others push you about.'
I love you Irene. You are me.

"Study the teachings of the pine tree, the bamboo, and the plum blossom. The pine is evergreen, firmly rooted, and venerable. The bamboo is strong, resilient, unbreakable. The plum blossom is hardy, fragrant, and elegant. '' - Morihei Ueshiba

Friday, 5 December 2008


Betty died yesterday. And Boris starting eating her corpse.
The kids were distraught. Tropical fish are beautiful creatures.
'I hate that crab Boris! Why do we have to have him?' cried Guru Basil.
Guru Esther was wailing 'Cruel Cruel Crab'.
Guru Monty looked bemused and started playing the harmonica.
I explained that Betty decided to leave her body and didn't need it any more. It sank to the bottom of the tank and Boris didn't know any better and thought he'd eat it to keep his body strong, after all Betty didn't need it anymore. Don't judge Boris, he didn't kill Betty.
That seemed to work.
But I am waiting for the cannibal questions.

'Techniques employ four qualities that reflect the nature of our world. Depending on the circumstance, you should be: hard as a diamond, flexible as a willow, smooth-flowing like water, or as empty as space. ' - Morihei Ueshiba

Wednesday, 3 December 2008


'When I was a child, my parents told me never to open the cellar door. "Never open the cellar door," they said, and for many years, I obeyed them, although I always wondered what it was that was so dangerous behind the cellar door. And then one day, when there was no one around, I finally got up my courage... I slowly walked over... I put out my hand... and I opened the cellar door. And I saw wonderful things! Amazing things! Trees! The sky! Other children!' - Emo Phillips
That is one of my favourite jokes.
One day you decide that you wish to do more than look out of the door. You stop listening to the people around you, the people that mean well but have become lost and want the safety in numbers. You listen to your heart, your true self. And you realise you must get up, brush yourself off, leave behind all that held you in darkness, the anger, the rage, resentment, self-pity, meanness and leave the basement. You simply pick up your feet and get on with it.
You walk out the door.

'You cannot see or touch the Divine with your gross senses. The Divine is within you, not somewhere else. Unite yourself to the Divine, and you will be able to perceive gods wherever you are, but do not try to grasp or cling to them. ' - Morihei Ueshiba

Monday, 1 December 2008


Everything has a consciousness, buildings, trees, people, animals. Everything.
Everything effects your thinking. Everything effects your action. Everything effects your being.
So keep good company and natural surroundings.
Reminds me of pigeons. The ones seen in London compared to the ones seen in the country.
Feet missing, misshapen, oily, tufted feathers, scratching at filthy pavements compared to the well groomed specimens hanging out in the woods dining on the finest grub.
Why don't these unhappy pigeons move to the country?
They are probably not unhappy. And they are not thinking. They are just going through the motions of existence.
London isn't bad, it just may not be the most natural habitat for most people.
I've always thought that for meditation to be any good you must be able to do it anywhere and at anytime. Not just for 30 minutes in the mornings and evenings but 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Not just in a nice warm room, scented with candles and permeated with relaxing music, but also in the heat of a war zone, scented with cordite and permeated with explosions.
SAS Meditators - that would be an interesting regiment. A platoon of soldiers floating around a war zone telling everyone to pack it in.
London could be the training ground.

Rely on Peace To activate your Manifold powers;
Pacify your environment
And create a beautiful world.
- Morihei Ueshiba.

Friday, 28 November 2008


Guru Monty has decided to join me for morning exercise.
He woke up early and grumpy. He wanted to be held as he is only 2 years old and likes the security.
Don't we all? Nothing wrong with having security, it is the wanting it that causes the suffering.
The problem was I wanted to exercise. So I did both. I held Monty and tailored my routine to incorporate a giggling bundle of glee.
We had a lot of fun. Bouncing up and down, running on the spot, stretching, swinging, ducking, diving.
He has joined me three mornings in a row now.
Now the problem comes now when I try to leave for work. He wants to come. Tears and clinging, pleading to go with me. I hand him back to mum.
And leave.
That is the hard bit.
I ask mum how long he cries for after I leave.
About 2 seconds and then he is off playing music or starts colouring.
Life goes on.

'Daily training in the Art of Peace allows you inner divinity to shine brighter and brighter. Do not concern yourself with the right and wrong of others. Do not be calculating or act unnaturally. Keep your mind set on the Art of Peace, and do not criticize other teachers or traditions. The Art of Peace never restrains, restricts, or shackles anything. It embraces all and purifies everything. ' - Morihei Ueshiba

Wednesday, 26 November 2008


When I was 14 I worked in a fruit and veg shop 3 evenings after school for 2 hours, and all day Saturday.
Guru Nana used to bring me 1/2lb of Jelly Babies every Saturday afternoon.
She would stand outside the shop not wanting to disturb the bustle.
In the evenings I would visit her and she would bath my feet in a Radox salt bath and feed me Angel Cake and copious cups of tea. Guru Grandad would talk about space, time, infinity and crosswords.
One Saturday afternoon when it was quiet in the shop I was out the back sorting the 'snotty' Brussel Sprouts from the good ones.
Not an interesting or pleasant task. So I started thinking about a question Grandad had asked me:
'Can you imagine infinity?'
I gave it a go.
The next thing I knew I was being shaken by the shop owner, asking me if I was OK. Apparently I had been staring into space for the last 45 minutes, snotty sprout in hand. They had decided to leave me at first because I looked funny, but after a while they grew concerned.
I was fine. Very fine.
I could remember nothing about the experience. Just the decision to let go and think of infinity. I was trying to reach the end of the universe. I didn't get there.
I explained all this to the people in the shop looking concerned. They started to look even more concerned, so I decided to keep quiet and never try it again.
It was a lovely experience but tainted by wanting the approval of the people present.
I'm going to give it another go tonight, brussel sprouts are in season.

“We kids feared many things in those days - werewolves, dentists, North Koreans, Sunday School - but they all paled in comparison with Brussels sprouts.” Dave Barry, Miami Herald Columnist

Tuesday, 25 November 2008


I was musing with Guru Basil about space. Science has proven that the human body is almost entirely made up of space. This is due to the incredibly small size of the molecules/atoms and the vast distances between them. Intriguing thought.
Guru Basil helped me out
'It makes sense Dad. We are part of the Earth, the earth is part of the solar system, the sun the stars, which are all part of the galaxies, which are all part of space. It is all connected.'
He instantly saw it and took it to another level. Einstein would be proud. And Eddington.
Eddington did the measurements that put Einstein and his theories on the world map.
Eddington had a strong belief in God.
My guess is that science an religion will eventually realise they are seeing the same thing.

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." - Albert Einstein.
"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." - Albert Einstein.

Monday, 24 November 2008


It is extremely rare for an individual to give up identifying with the body and be of service to everyone. Mother Teresa and Ghandi are two names that spring to mind. Oh yeah and Bono.
Another name for service is love. Not the claustrophobic you are mine to the exclusion of all others human love, but all encompassing Devine love.
Whenever I have done something to help another with out expecting anything in return it has been an almost absent minded service, no thought involved, just a compunction to be there for that person. I have always been amazed what an incredible feeling of happiness I derive from it. The benefit to me has always out weighed the potential hardship of being there.
Why don't I do this continually? Like Teresa and Ghandi.
I don't believe I'm good enough. I don't believe in myself.
How can I make your life better today? That is how I should greet everybody.
Best make a start, I've wasted a lot of time.

'The Art of Peace does not rely on weapons or brute force to succeed; instead we put ourselves in tune with the universe, maintain peace in our own realms, nurture life, and prevent death and destruction. The true meaning of the term samurai is one who serves and adheres to the power of love. ' - Morihei Ueshiba

Tuesday, 18 November 2008


The only thing that is constant in this World is change. Everything changes.
Perfect Truth would never change. So everything that changes is a lie an illusion?
The World is not an illusion. This is a concept. The World is an illusion. This is another concept. What would absolute reality have to do with concepts?
The Truth is already there, why would it need a general incomplete idea about itself?
It doesn't.
So both concepts must be wrong. Illusions if you like.
Keith is complaining. Clever incomplete argument. It's not even clever, just confusing and not at all helpful. Taking things to the limit is not satisfying.
Tell that to Newton, Einstein, Feynman, all of them loved there calculus and taking things to the limit.
And Keith again is right.
My argument is wrong. In fact in absolute reality it doesn't exist. How can it? The world can not exist, I can't exist, so how can my musings exist.
They can't.
So why bother writing a blog of nonsense?
To prove to myself that collating facts, reading books, learning, debating, musing is not the way to find the answer. It points the way. But there comes a time when you have to forget. Learn and forget.
And the way is beyond thought. Have you tried to stop thinking?
It is lovely.

'Move like a beam of light:
Fly like lightning,
Strike like thunder,
Whirl in circles around
A stable center.'
-Morihei Ueshiba

Monday, 17 November 2008


I had a dream. In this dream I was a hermit meditating all day long.
A great sage came by my spot. He was off to see God. So I asked him to ask God how long I would have to sit there until I was enlightened.
When he returned he told me to look at the big, leafy tree I was sitting under and to count the leaves. That was how many life times I would have to reincarnate before I became enlightened.
I grew angry. I had been meditating all my life. I thought sod that! I don't even believe in reincarnation, I didn't the first time I was here. So I got up and went into town to get drunk and chase some skirt.
The next moment I was under the tree again meditating and the great sage walked by, off to see God. I asked him to ask God how long it would be until I was enlightened.
When he returned he told me to count the leaves on the tree again, and that was how many life times I would have to reincarnate before I became enlightened.
This time I jumped up and down with joy and shouted,
'Thank you God, just one tree!'
I woke up laughing.

'The techniques of the Art of Peace are neither fast nor slow, nor are they inside or outside. They transcend time and space.' - Morihei Ueshiba

Thursday, 13 November 2008


I was introduced to a marvellous concept the other day, that nothing is happening, nothing is going on.
Time, the world, the planets, the universe is all illusion, a dream and your experiences, emotions and energy are all an hallucination.
When you dream it seems so real. Years can pass in a dream. You can go grow old, fly, breathe underwater, become young again, fantastic feats and it all seems so reasonable.
You can also have horrors, incredible fears and vile monsters.
When you wake up you realise the deception.
The idea is that there are many layers of this deception.
The Truth is nothing is going on.
It is a lovely concept, just thinking deeply on it makes you feel happy. Try it.
Keith says it makes him scared. You have to do something, you have to be someone, you must survive.
Keith is getting a lot more quiet nowadays but this idea woke him up.
So all the meditation, reading of scriptures, going to church, raves, all the things you do to get high is a waste of time. Any peak experience has not actually happened.
Any gain, any loss. Nothing has happened.
Just peace. Bliss beyond imagination.
And so to the random quote generator to sum up the above:

'I believe in an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out.' - Arthur Hays Sulzberger

Wednesday, 12 November 2008


Most people bulk at the idea that humans have a hive mind.
It is a deep fear of losing their identity. They want to be an individual. They want separation.
They want an ego.
A type of hive mind is conformity.
Attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors are influenced by other people. It may occur as the result of subtle influences, or by direct and overt social pressure.
Conformity may also occur by the "implied presence" of others, when other people are not actually present.
Religions are good at instilling this implied presence.
This want of separation causes a lot of unhappiness.
It is a very good exercise to look at a stranger in the street and say to yourself 'You are me.'
Do it and see what happens.
What is wrong with admitting we all have the same needs, desires, worries, fears, and thoughts.

Brian Cohen of Nazareth: Look, you've got it all wrong! You don't need to follow me, You don't need to follow anybody! You've got to think for your selves! You're all individuals!
The Crowd: Yes! We're all individuals!
Brian Cohen of Nazareth: You're all different!
The Crowd: Yes, we are all different!
Man in crowd(George Harrison): I'm not...
The Crowd: Sch!

Tuesday, 11 November 2008


I read this very long article about Wall Street today.
Michael Lewis is a good, persausive writer and he managed to draw me into his maya illusion. I felt quite sick after reading about the excesses of capitalism.
Then I started to discriminate. So a few swearing nerds made a lot of money from the collapse of the global financial system, and a large man with big hands lost a job that was well paid because of some words that were written about him and the empire he created.
What does that mean?
If you take it from the view point of leaving the world alone, of realising the illusion then it means nothing.
Absolutely meaningless.
My granny wouldn't have a frame of reference to understand that article, it would take some time to explain it to her, to get her to appreciate the complexity of the illusion. In fact I'm not sure you could explain that one to my Gran, she'd probably look blankly and say 'That´s nice dear'.
Get her talking about homosexuality, or black presidents and that would be a different matter.
Nothing matters. No thing matters. What is beyond matter is what matters.
Things, stuff, illusion, complexity, trash it is all worthless. Foolish fire, Ignis Fatuus.
If you have nothing and everyone around you loses their stuff, are you in a better situation?
If you have nothing then you are in the best position of all, and you would rejoice at everyone else having nothing. But of course this is hard to understand as most people are involved in this Ignis Fatuus that is the world.

'Those who are possessed by nothing possess everything. ' - Morihei Ueshiba

Monday, 10 November 2008


I like to click on this grid
for inspiration once a day. Today I clicked on:

'Instructors can impart only a fraction of the teaching. It is through your own devoted practice that the mysteries of the Art of Peace are brought to life. '

This is something I keep coming back to recently.
You can read up on a subject until you are a walking encyclopedia, you can have all the head knowledge in the world, but eventually you have to apply it, you have to experience the subject.
This is the problem of the world, so many people reading and talking about it, few actually doing something about it. This has always been the worlds problem.
What did I do today to get myself to realise the Truth?
Did I sit and moan about something that happened 30 years ago?
Did I read a newspaper and tut at man´s inhumanity to man?
Did I sit and 'relax' in the evening by watching someone else's problems on a soap opera?
Did I go to the pub and get slightly high on European fighting lager?
Or did I sit and use the mind to conquer the mind?
Did I ask the awkward questions?
Who am I? What is this world?To whom do these thoughts come? What am I? What is my relation to the world?
Did I let the answers come to me? Did I try to control the answers, so that they conformed to the answers that I had read about?
Or did I sit and wait?
Ask the questions and sit in the silence.
ve decided to give myself a treat and to see if Guru Ueshiba has any advice on what I have just written, so I clicked on the grid once more:

´It is necessary to develop a strategy that utilizes all the physical conditions and elements that are directly at hand. The best strategy relies upon an unlimited set of responses. '

Spot on again! I am now going to post a random quote from the interweb, this one from

"I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence.There's a knob called `brightness', but it doesn't work." -- Gallagher --

Friday, 7 November 2008


The Bureau of Meteorology in Australia runs a photographic competition each year.
This world maybe in an illusion but it can be a very beautiful one. Can be an absolute shocker too. Keith doesn't fancy getting caught in the lightening strike in Darwin. He can moan about every single picture on that calender; that sea looks cold, imagine spending the night there, fire!
It is so easy to get caught up in the world. So many distractions. Beautiful and bad.
If you were living a fairly comfortable life in a village experiencing the usual ups and downs, triumphs and disappointments, joy of birth the sadness of death, good health and crippling disease and you knew that just outside that village across the Swamp of Doom lay Paradise where there was nothing but bliss would you make the journey?
Depends what is in the Swamp of Doom.
But if you knew you could not die you wouldn't care what was in the swamp. And you'd walk into Paradise.
That pesky fear of dying again.
So that's the key; 1) Know that you never die and 2) be prepared to put up with a bit of unpleasantness for a while.
I'm having trouble with the first bit.
And the second if I'm honest.
But my rational brain is saying that I am conditioning myself with mumbo jumbo. It concedes that I have never been happier and lighter in my life despite what is going on around me. It also concedes that fundamentally I haven't changed and it is beginning to realise that my substratum is in fact happiness.
I have a choice;
1) Get involved in the world and try to conquer and bend everything to my will
2) Keep going, practicing my releasing, meditation, self enquiry, developing love, compassion and humility and getting happier and lighter.
I choose Paradise.
"When Alexander of Macedonia was 33 he cried salt tears because there were no more worlds to conquer - Bristow is only 27" - Sid Waddell.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008


'When I had my awakening, I was fourteen years old. This body was sitting in a classroom taking a math test. And all of a sudden I felt myself expanding. I never left my body, which proves that the body never existed to begin with. I felt the body expanding, and a brilliant light began to come out of my heart. I happened to see the light in all directions. I had peripheral vision, and this light was really my Self. It was not my body and the light. There were not two. There was this light that became brighter and brighter and brighter, the light of a thousand suns. I thought I would be burnt to a crisp, but alas, I wasn't.
But this brilliant light, of which I was the center and also the circumference, expanded throughout the universe, and I was able to feel the planets, the stars, the galaxies, as myself. And this light shone so bright, yet it was beautiful, it was bliss, it was ineffable, indescribable.
After a while the light began to fade away, and there was no darkness. There was just a place between light and darkness, the place beyond the light. You can call it the void, but it wasn't just a void. It was this Pure Awareness I always talk about. I was aware that I Am That I Am. I was aware of the whole universe at the same time. There was no time, there was no space, there was just the I Am.
Then everything began to return to normal, so to speak. I was able to feel and understand that all of the planets, the galaxies, the people, the trees, the flowers on this earth, everything, were myriads of energy, and I was in everything. I was the flower. I was the sky. I was the people. The I was everything. Everything was the I. The word 'I' encompassed the whole universe.' - Robert Adams.

'Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun. Shine on you crazy diamond.' - Roger Waters.


Time is an illusion. All the clues are there. Even scientists are starting to realise.
You've got to love scientists; solve one problem by coming up with ten more. Busy busy busy.
The best bit in that article is from the lead scientist, Carlo Rovelli -
"It is not reality that has a time flow, it is our very approximate knowledge of reality that has a time flow," says Rovelli. "Time is the effect of our ignorance."
Buddha could not have said it better.
Reinventing the wheel though. It has all been done before. Or as time does not exist, it has all been thought, done, improved upon instantaneously. And then redone, rethought, re-improved ad infinitum.
But even that statement implies time.
But leads closer to the truth.
The concept of time is a limitation. Once you get rid of that limitation amazing things should begin to happen. Teleportation, prescience, omnipresence, you will never die and you can never be born.
Keith says that was a step too far, 'Where's the proof in the literature, at least the scientists are trying to put it in concrete terms. They are trying to understand it, you are spouting nonsense.'
I say if you get rid of another limitation, thinking, than you will be there.
Stop thinking and start experiencing.
We've all done it. Waiting for Christmas as a child. The conversations my mum had with her friends on the way to the shops, would they ever stop? Kissing my wife for the first time, seems like yesterday.
But that is not it either, those moments are again just pointers to the Truth.
Be still. Breath in and say to yourself 'I', breathe out and say 'Am'. Do this for a day.
I'll do it myself when I get the time.
Over to Guru Adams again:

'Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.' - Douglas Adams

'There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.' - Douglas Adams.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008


It is important to take yourself off automatic. Break up a routine and think for yourself. Don't always follow the herd.
Everything can be considered a cult. A form of programming. Not just the more colourful creeds but all religions, western society, communism, capitalism, any regime of thought.
Guru Taleb suggested I gave up reading newspapers or listening to the news on television. Any important bit of news will come to you. For the last 3 years it has been very good advice. My life has become less cluttered.
I notice the 'free' newspapers being given out on the London streets. All those people receiving a limited point of view.
I hope they can discriminate.
What if every idea has been thought before? What if it has all been done before?
Hindu scriptures talked about the big bang and relativity 7000 years before Einstein.
It just might have all been done before.
It is a simple premise, The Truth never changes.
Ergo everything that changes is a lie. This world is a lie, the body is a lie, the mind is a lie. Einstein theories are a lie. Any thought regime is a lie.
I've always been seeking some deeper meaning. It has always been there in the background. Gently encouraging me to look.
My family was non-religious but I used to attend Sunday School by choice at the age of 7.
I enjoyed the stories and the simple messages but quickly realised the futility of man controlling man.
I trained as a scientist, a magician, a stand up comedian, I studied the occult. I became an atheist, until Richard Dawkins persuaded me not to be an atheist with his excellent book The God Delusion.
I am turning more spiritual now, but still non-religious.
It has been a very interesting journey. A journey that has been done before. Many times before.

"Basically ... out of all the ridiculous religion stories—which are greatly, wonderfully ridiculous—the silliest one I've ever heard is, "Yeah ... there's this big giant universe and it's expanding, it's all gonna collapse on itself and we're all just here just 'cause ... just cause. That, to me, is the most ridiculous explanation ever." - Trey Parker.

Monday, 3 November 2008


All problems stem from the fear of dying. Not just the terrifying fear of your own death but also of the people around you.
If we could be guaranteed we do not die, that we've never been born, and we just exist in love, peace and bliss forever - would we be worried about anything? Would we have any problems?
Keith could find many ways. He does pretty well already. Despite all the evidence he still insists that we die.
Guru Adams once said to me that it was a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.
Doug was right. So whenever I have a problem I always ask if I can solve it with just potatoes. If I can't then I know I've got a major problem.
It also helps me get things in to perspective. That one moment of ridiculousness helps me see the reality.
There are no problems.
Everything is perfect. Exactly how they should be.
I didn't think it was perfect when my father died. And I don't think that now. And I'm not sure I can ever think that my father dying was in any way perfect.
But if we never die, we are never born, and we exist in love, peace and bliss. Eternal.
And if the only reason we don't see this is because we are looking at a mud caked window, then I am willing to try and open that window and see my father looking back.
I bet he's holding a potato and wants to use that mud to make it grow. Marvellous sense of humour.

'Do not look upon this world with fear and loathing. Bravely face whatever the gods offer. ' - Morihei Ueshiba.

Friday, 31 October 2008


Mike Tyson said 'Everyone thinks they have a plan until they get punched in the face'.
He is good at what he does because he keeps going despite the blows.
Have you noticed in life you are happy one moment and then get punched in the face for no apparent reason?
People say nasty, terrible, untrue things about you.
Or something goes wrong with that fool proof plan.
Or 70 million people die in 2 world wars
Mans inhumanity to man.
You try and rationalise them and you become lost and confused. You grow heavier and entangled. Everything becomes hopeless. Why go on? You stop trying. You give up.
And then in the darkest hour you relinquish control.
That is when it happens.
You see a glimpse of your true nature.
Love, compassion and humility.
You rise. And you talk about your new found land to others because you want them to have it too.
But they have their problems, ideas and troubles. Most don't believe you. They don't believe there is such a magnificent place, there is only what they see; pain and scant hurried patches of pleasure.
It makes them mad that you are happy. So they try to drag you down into the dark world of troubles.
And it works.
The cycle of blind suffering.
Then something clicks. You see the cycle. You see you are not dead. You see the illusion, the daymare.
You give up the cycle in one simple decision.
You don't wait for the weekend to do it. Or next year when you are made Chief Undermanager of Corporateness. Or when the Queen recommends your genius as an undergarment maker.
You do it now. From moment to moment.
You are home.

'Try Not! Do or Do Not! There Is No Try!' - Master Yoda

Thursday, 30 October 2008


Guru Jimi was telling me this morning how he likes to stand up next to a mountain and chops it down with the edge of his hand.
I know how he feels.
He once told me that he has been imitated so well that he has heard people copy his mistakes.
Jimi has made some beautiful mistakes, I am so glad he didn't get it right the first time.
I was trying to copy Hendrix last night on my Epiphone Les Paul. I can't get anywhere near his mistakes.
Jimi laughs at this, as he finds he can't get anywhere near my mistakes either. And not just the musical ones.
Keith says I should be using a Gibson at least and not a cheap copy, and that anyway Jimi used a Strat. If you must use an Epiphone use the vintage FT79 acoustic guitar that Hendrix used for songwriting in the late 1960's, that was sold at auction in 2001 for $77,000.
I refuse to blame my axe.

'I don't give a fvck if you boo, as long as you boo in key... ' - Jimi Hendrix.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008


'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.'
So if the Virgin Mary rocked up and launched a piece of flint right between the eyes, would that count?
Or if Jesus decided to have a go would that be a fall from grace?
Everyone has sinned does that include Mary and Jesus?
And so the arguments rage.
You can see the futility of over thinking the message, debating the scriptures, as words are inadequate.
We end up missing the point.
Better to understand the sentiment, the chord it strikes within. The answer you get from the silence.
Keith thinks I am a big sinner and stones me regularly. He can't forgive, he can't forget. He's a rascal. A devil.
The beatings don't come as often or as severe now.
That is because I've learnt to treat him with love and compassion.

'So many come to me that talk about love and peace, that know all of the great quotes, that pride themselves on their spiritual knowledge. Yet they are the meanest people that you will ever meet. They say the meanest, nastiest things about other people. They do not understand the laws of correct living. These actions transgress the laws of happiness. And so it goes on. Until we realize the Truth. That everything we say and do will have repercussions. That not only are we the part and parcel of Supreme Love, Supreme All Perfect Reality, All Embracing Compassion, but so is everyone else. And we treat them as such.' - Robert Adams

'Be gentle with yourself.' - Guru McGod.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008


Guru Monty went climbing yesterday.
He is very good for a 2 year old (1 year 11months to be exact).
He is also very quick. And I couldn't get to him before he fell off the sofa and bumped his head on the floor.
He started to cry with the pain. Then he noticed Iggle Piggle on the TV jumping up and down and dancing. So he decided to stop crying, start laughing and join in the dance.
The world has been with us forever. There will be calamities.
It is not going to get any worse, and it is not going to get any better.
How you think of these things determines what happens to you.
In this world pain is unavoidable but suffering is optional.
If you step on a cats paw it hisses and spits for a couple of seconds, and gets out of the way.
It doesn't bitch and moan for 40 years and hold a grudge against you.
The world exists to train you, to polish your spirit, to draw you higher, to make you shine.
How you do anything is how you do everything.
Fall over seven times, stand up and dance eight.

'You will be on this earth a short while. Everything that you do determines your state of consciousness. What you will experience. Be very careful to surround yourself with Truth. Discern wisely.' - Robert Adams.

Monday, 27 October 2008


I went to a tree hugging seminar at the weekend
It was well attended - sign of the times.
There I met Guru Billy - another Scot.
We were releasing on worry and really powering through the exercise, incredible energy rising. We both became worry free very quickly and where wondering what to do next with the 30 minutes remaining.
'What is stopping you from being free all the time Andy?'
'My mind Billy.'
'Why don't you be free now? Like you said in your Love letter. Right now.'
I felt a rush. Keith kicked in straight away. Confusion. Real horrible crippling confusion. Rabbit in the headlights. Panic.
'You can't go free in front of him! It is bad enough that you do it quietly on your own. He'll think you an idiot. A hippy tree hugger or worse a fake. You will look really stupid. What you going to do to prove that you are free? Levitate? Shine like a God? You left your halo at home. You'll have to prove it to him. Or he wont believe you. And then you will be scorned. Don't look into his eyes. Look away!'
Frustration, tears rising, terrible fear. Terror.
Then laughter and the stupidity of it all. Push through the joy, because that is another trap. Look into Billy's eyes. Now! You can do it.
'Don't you dare! He is a freak, he's worse than you. Look at the way he releases, all serious and full of himself. He's a fraud too. Don't look into his eyes! Don't!'
I let Keith have his rant and then calmly looked into Billy's eyes.
And there I was staring back.
I am you Billy.

'Peace is non-resistance, complete acceptance, identification with all, everyone, everything' - Lester Levenson.

Saturday, 18 October 2008


KISS. Keep It Simple Seeker.
Wanting stuff, trinkets, baubles, gadgets. The latest thing.
For men the stereotype is fast cars and expensive watches, for women shoes and chocolate.
It is the wanting that is the problem. Wanting keeps you from having. You cannot want and have at the same time.
Stop wanting and start having.
The Truth is you have everything.
When a want is satisfied you feel happy. You get a promotion, a new car, the diamonds, the recognition, the film deal. But this happiness does not last, and you want again, to be happy again.
The next want needs to be bigger to get the same hit. You achieve it, feel happy, happiness wanes and so the downward spiral progresses.
Like a drug addict forever craving that one last fix.
Why not be happy all the time?
If you get in touch with your true nature, you actually stop wanting.
You begin to know the happiness that you really are is far more intense, satisfying and wonderful than the happiness you could feel from worldly achievements.
You could suddenly become the richest person in the world by inventing the chocolate shoe. (An item that confuses women into remaining silent and peaceful by focusing the chattering mind on the question 'Should I eat it or wear it?').
But the happiness felt would still only be a small glimpse of what is available, of what you really are, if you would only remove the clouds of the world illusion.
So why not concentrate on getting in touch with the happiness inside and leave alone the spiral trap of worldly wanting? Why not have happiness constantly no matter what happens in the world?

" Truth is very simple. A flower does not try to be beautiful. It's True Nature is Beauty. It exudes fragrance, beauty, perfection. Just by its very Being. In the same way, when you Awaken to your True Nature You will naturally exude Love, Compassion, Beauty.
It is all you. For it is your True Self. " - Robert Adams.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008


The Truth never changes. Anything that changes is a lie. There is a popular belief that the atoms in your body turn over on average every seven years
So very few atoms in your body if any are original. And yet you look much the same and you can remember things from your childhood.
The body is a lie.
People change their mind all the time.
The mind is a lie.
The World changes constantly.
The World is a lie.
This is very comforting because if you know something is a lie it should no longer offend you. But most people let it.
Keith thinks I am just being clever with words. He is right again. Because words change, ideas change and they are a lie too.
But all lies point to the Truth.
So use them as a guide and experience the Truth.
Don't talk about the Truth too much, or write about it, or think about it, or dance about it too much.
Experience it.

'The key to good technique is to keep your hands, feet, and hips straight and centered. If you are centered, you can move freely. The physical center is your belly; if your mind is set there as well, you are assured of victory in any endeavor.' - Morihei Ueshiba


Guru Challis asked me this morning if I had got the answer yet.
I replied 'Oh yes - I got that a while back.'
The truth is I always knew it. It had never left me. I'd just forgotten and covered it up with a lot of stuff.
And I still do. I get glimpses then get distracted. The pull of the world is very real.
Like a dog digging for a bone, sees a cat and chases it. I have yet to see a dog catch a cat. It is almost as if they don't want to.
Guru Basil couldn't sleep last night, he was fighting it all the way. So we did some 'Imagination'. We lay down and let go of the body, and let the mind chatter, let the thoughts come up and watched them.
'Don't think of an elephant!'
And the elephant appeared and we watched it. And then we soared off into the Universe and pretended to swallow all the planets into our body, then the Sun and the stars, then the milky way and the galaxies until there was nothing left.
And we sat in the silence, knowing that everything was inside us. We didn't have to be concerned about the past or worry about the future, we were enjoying the now.
'I'm in the now Daddy'
'How do you feel?'
'Relaxed and sleepy'.
He had stopped chasing his cat, stopped digging for his bone.
He was himself. Love.

'One does not need buildings, money, power, or status to practice the Art of Peace. Heaven is right where you are standing, and that is the place to train' - Morihei Ueshiba

Tuesday, 14 October 2008


Can you feel it? Just beneath the surface, that feeling of happiness.
Feel it!
Let it up, it wants to come up.
Stop pushing it down with thoughts and worries.
Feel it. Let it up. Go on!
You have no worry big enough to stop it. Nothing in your life is so catastrophic as to keep that feeling down, if you would just recognise it, stop thinking, and let it up.
Let it up!
That is your natural self. Everything else is just a projection on that, a cloud covering it. Illusion.

Monday, 13 October 2008


Guru Basil is a perfectionist. He was getting frustrated with his Lego. It was his 5th attempt to get the truck roof to stay in position. It just kept coming unstuck. He gave in and asked me for help. I followed the instructions and after 4 attempts Keith was telling me to throw the truck in the oven and turn the heat up to gas mark 8. 'That will make it stick!'.
I decided to apply life lessons to Lego. I went back several pages in the manual to see if the foundations were sound. Sure enough a tiny brick acting as a key stone was missing. That in place and all was well.
Guru Basil finished playing with his Lego and bought me the Meccano... I suggested we went for a walk to the park instead.

'Return to that source and leave behind all self-centered thoughts, petty desires, and anger. Those who are possessed by nothing possess everything. ' - Morihei Ueshiba

Friday, 10 October 2008


2 weeks ago 5 year old Guru Star had come around from surgery. Her withered kidney was out and all was well. I joyfully told everyone and the messages of relief and kind wishes came flooding back. Then I received this one:
'Before you tell me how your child is, tell me how sorry you were to hear that mine died.'
I phoned to offer my apologies and to explain it was not my intention to cause pain. I listened to a torrent of abuse and anguish, bile, defamation, contempt and condemnation. Keith was telling me to retaliate and defend, to say all sorts of things to stop the tirade. Shut up Keith and help me send her love, can't you hear her pain?
Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves. All people live in their own mind, their dream, they are in a completely different world to mine. If I take things personally then I make the assumption that they know what is in my world. I have no right to try and impose my world on theirs.
“If the end result of Illumination is Love, Compassion and Humility,
What if we were to do that now?’ Robert Adams.

Thursday, 9 October 2008


Guru Raj was chatting to me about the pull of the world - 'You do enough releasing/meditating and the world becomes too appealing and this delays making THE decision.'
That is the TRAP. Life becomes effortless, abundant, nothing is out of reach. Nothing is impossible. But these are worldy things, baubles, trinkets, fast cars, big houses, attention, ego inflation. Golden chains.
I'm fed up of being Mayor of Monkey Town, time to go home.
I read in Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramhansa Yogananda, "Whenever anyone utters with reverence the name of Babaji, that devotee attracts an instant spiritual blessing." - Lahiri Mahasaya. I found this marvellous piece and then later that night I meditated on Babaji.
A tiny mosquito started buzzing near my ear. I sent it love as I do with all insects. They usually leave and bother someone else, but more recently they have been landing on me to have a rest. This little beauty landed.
Babaji, Babaji.
I carried on with the meditation and sent it more love. It had landed between my eyebrows.
Babaji, love, Babaji, love.
I felt its proboscis pierce my skin.
Babaji, love, Babaji.
This little feller was having a nice sit down and a cup of tea.
I opened my eyes and could see his out of focus outline. I laughed.
The next morning there was no mark, gentle creature. The following morning I noticed a small spot where the insect bit. It was the precise middle, exactly inline with the centre of my eyes. Perfect symetry. Marvellous. Third eye? meditation point? Some sort of sign? What does it mean? I asked Guru McGod.
He told me to stop trying to work it out. Ping! All signs are meaningless. It happened, it was interesting to the mind. Thats it. Move on.
'You cannot see or touch the Divine with your gross senses. The Divine is within you, not somewhere else. Unite yourself to the Divine, and you will be able to perceive gods wherever you are, but do not try to grasp or cling to them. ' - Morihei Ueshiba

Wednesday, 8 October 2008


Monday 6th October - Guru Monty entered the room with the guitar held on his shoulder. He strummed an unusual chord sequence and sang his heart out. No discernable words, it was a chant. It was the best piece of music I have ever heard. It was not skilled by western standards, but he put his all into that song, it was from his being. Learn and forget. Guru Monty will be 2 years old in November.
'Music is the space between the notes' - Claude Debussy.
Space, nothing is important. Nothing is important. Physicists have shown that the human body is almost 100% space. The distance between atoms being so vast compared to their size. And in side the atom there is even more space. Buddhist have known this for 2500 years, Hindus even longer 5000years.
Keith thinks this is semantics and a clever word trick and should be dismissed. Keith is right. We should not think about it and label it, because if you label nothing it becomes something and then you loose it's pure essence. You should experience nothing instead. Use the words as pointers and experience the peace. Look for the spaces in conversations, in the motion as you walk, in your thoughts, in the music - silence without, stillness within. Enter the space, feel the power and the peace, the silence and the enormous potential.
You will wake up. At first it is subtle, imperceptible. Allow it to expand. Allow yourself to drop it if you get afraid, knowing that its always there whenever you need it.
I applauded Guru Monty and urged him to play more, as did everyone in that room. He dropped the guitar, scowled as if to say 'I am not Monkey Boy, that is your lot', and went off to talk to the fish in the next room. Good lad.
'Ultimately, you must forget about technique. The further you progress, the fewer teachings there are. The Great Path is really No Path. ' - Morihei Ueshiba.


I listened to a friend today - Guru Heart. His wife died yesterday after a 11 month battle with motor neurone disease. 40 years together. He loves her dearly.
Can you remain positive despite what is happening around you?
The last 2 weeks he sat by her side in hospital, caring for her. Sleeping in the chair beside her bed. Washing her, shaving her legs, cutting her hair, paying particular attention to the back of the neck. He manicured her nails. Perfumed her, polished her glasses, they really suited her. He made her look beautiful. She died looking beautiful. She is beautiful.
Do we die? Are we the body? Are we the mind? - Yes.
Do we die? Are we the body? Are we the mind? - No.
Both are right.
'Tell him about your experiences with death, Andy.' Shut up Keith and help me send him love.

'Real love should be the basis of marriage. Real love has no element of needing the other one, or possessing the other one. Real love wants only to make the other one happy' - Lester Levenson


Monday Morning 6th October.
It's a slippery slope this Self Enquiry malarkey. It started off with a few drops of lavender oil in my bath because I was feeling a bit stressed, and now I'm writing a blog about Parabrahman and ego elimination. Commuting is great. An excellent place to train. The practice I use is to send everyone love. Every agitated, angry, sad, happy, beautiful face love. I shared this technique with one of my Italian Guru's - The Iron Goddess - she asked even the ugly ones? Even the ugly ones. If you do it right they no longer become ugly. I was practicing this on Monday morning because an angry man reminded me by shoving his very sharp elbows into my ribs. I sent him love, he calmed down. I sent the rest of the carriage love and all was well. I was remembering Thursdays experience, rooted firmly in the past, trying to figure out how I did it. Going through the head knowledge. It points in the right direction, makes me feel safe.
It is just a decision. Do or not do, there is no try.
I woke up again. Lovely. Walking out of Liverpool St. Station seeing it for the first time. Such detail. The McDonalds selling it's wares 24/7 - no attachment, no aversion. Wonderful peace.
I got that wanderlust feeling again - wanted to roam London just to experience it from this perspective. No attachment, no aversion. But the mind immediately jumped on that want and told me that would be utterly foolish and to snap out of this nonsense. You are right Keith. I can feel this anywhere. So I carried on as usual, observing myself go through the motions whilst Keith sulked and subtly worked his black magic to bring me back into the world.
It didn't last as long as the evening session, more distraction, more forms jostling for attention, more ego provocation. I'm definitely getting the hang of it though.
Spring forth from the Great Earth; Billow like Great Waves; Stand like a tree, sit like a rock; Use One to strike All. Learn and forget! - Morihei Ueshiba

Tuesday, 7 October 2008


THURSDAY 2 OCTOBER. I've had many peak experiences in my life. We all have, but we forget to remember. Beautiful view, birth of my children, getting caught in and surviving a bomb blast. But they have all been short lived. Mind takes over and I start thinking again.
I was staring into a friends eyes listening to his fear - 5 kids, credit crunch, huge mortgage, passed over for promotion all these years and now going to lose his job, reputation in tatters. I do that all the time. Beat myself up and don't look at what is real.
Can I remain positive despite what is happening around me?
I was due to meet up with another set of friends but I could feel the onset of another peak experience, and whilst I love them dearly what would you choose - Another set of fear stories or potential bliss?
I meditated on the train. Then picked up Eckhart's Tolle 'The Power of Now'. This is a book I have been resisting for some time. I know why now. My ego hates it.
It was recommended to me by one of my Gurus. I have many gurus - bizarrely mostly Scottish. I also have many Rugus. This is a term I use for people who annoy me intensely. Gu - dark, Ru - light. So my Guru's take me from the dark and lead me to the light. My Rugus take me from the light and lead me to the dark. I love Guru's and Rugu's equally. They are both excellent teachers.
My most powerful Rugu is my ego. Great teacher, fabulous task master, evil little rascal. I call him Keith.
He is also my most powerful Guru.
My Scottish guru - Goddess McBeautiful - recommended PoN several years ago. I ignored her, knew better - anything that popular can't be good etc.
I read the sentence 'It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living.' Which brought to mind a host of similar quotes culminating in the Zen 'If not now, when?' . And then I realised I had all this head knowledge and just wasn't doing it.
Then another one of my Scottish Gurus - McGod - popped into my head and reminded me of something he had said the day before 'Don't read about it, do it.'
Ping! I woke up.
Words can't describe the experience. They can hint at it. Awaken something in the reader/listener - and then that person should follow that personal path. The more words you use the further away from it you become. I texted McGod ' Hahaha! I've just woken up! Mate it is now!'
The experience lasted into the night and most of the next morning. I sat up marvelling at everything, simple stuff was the best.
It is not for everyone. You have to be utterly fearless. Most people surround themselves in fear. You have to give that up. Very difficult - until you do it.
'When an opponent comes forward, move in and greet him; if he wants to pull back, send him on his way.' - Morihei Ueshiba

Monday, 6 October 2008


I've been having increasing glimpses into freedom/awareness/parabrahmen/choiceless, effortless, perfection/happiness/the thing without description, so I thought I'd write down how I got to these states. Useful reminder for me and it might be useful to some seekers to have a raw account of ego elimination too.
I'll detail the events as they happened, conditions, preparation and all that. What was the school thing? Method/Results/Conclusion?