Thursday, 9 October 2008


Guru Raj was chatting to me about the pull of the world - 'You do enough releasing/meditating and the world becomes too appealing and this delays making THE decision.'
That is the TRAP. Life becomes effortless, abundant, nothing is out of reach. Nothing is impossible. But these are worldy things, baubles, trinkets, fast cars, big houses, attention, ego inflation. Golden chains.
I'm fed up of being Mayor of Monkey Town, time to go home.
I read in Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramhansa Yogananda, "Whenever anyone utters with reverence the name of Babaji, that devotee attracts an instant spiritual blessing." - Lahiri Mahasaya. I found this marvellous piece and then later that night I meditated on Babaji.
A tiny mosquito started buzzing near my ear. I sent it love as I do with all insects. They usually leave and bother someone else, but more recently they have been landing on me to have a rest. This little beauty landed.
Babaji, Babaji.
I carried on with the meditation and sent it more love. It had landed between my eyebrows.
Babaji, love, Babaji, love.
I felt its proboscis pierce my skin.
Babaji, love, Babaji.
This little feller was having a nice sit down and a cup of tea.
I opened my eyes and could see his out of focus outline. I laughed.
The next morning there was no mark, gentle creature. The following morning I noticed a small spot where the insect bit. It was the precise middle, exactly inline with the centre of my eyes. Perfect symetry. Marvellous. Third eye? meditation point? Some sort of sign? What does it mean? I asked Guru McGod.
He told me to stop trying to work it out. Ping! All signs are meaningless. It happened, it was interesting to the mind. Thats it. Move on.
'You cannot see or touch the Divine with your gross senses. The Divine is within you, not somewhere else. Unite yourself to the Divine, and you will be able to perceive gods wherever you are, but do not try to grasp or cling to them. ' - Morihei Ueshiba