Wednesday, 8 October 2008


Monday 6th October - Guru Monty entered the room with the guitar held on his shoulder. He strummed an unusual chord sequence and sang his heart out. No discernable words, it was a chant. It was the best piece of music I have ever heard. It was not skilled by western standards, but he put his all into that song, it was from his being. Learn and forget. Guru Monty will be 2 years old in November.
'Music is the space between the notes' - Claude Debussy.
Space, nothing is important. Nothing is important. Physicists have shown that the human body is almost 100% space. The distance between atoms being so vast compared to their size. And in side the atom there is even more space. Buddhist have known this for 2500 years, Hindus even longer 5000years.
Keith thinks this is semantics and a clever word trick and should be dismissed. Keith is right. We should not think about it and label it, because if you label nothing it becomes something and then you loose it's pure essence. You should experience nothing instead. Use the words as pointers and experience the peace. Look for the spaces in conversations, in the motion as you walk, in your thoughts, in the music - silence without, stillness within. Enter the space, feel the power and the peace, the silence and the enormous potential.
You will wake up. At first it is subtle, imperceptible. Allow it to expand. Allow yourself to drop it if you get afraid, knowing that its always there whenever you need it.
I applauded Guru Monty and urged him to play more, as did everyone in that room. He dropped the guitar, scowled as if to say 'I am not Monkey Boy, that is your lot', and went off to talk to the fish in the next room. Good lad.
'Ultimately, you must forget about technique. The further you progress, the fewer teachings there are. The Great Path is really No Path. ' - Morihei Ueshiba.