Tuesday, 28 October 2008


Guru Monty went climbing yesterday.
He is very good for a 2 year old (1 year 11months to be exact).
He is also very quick. And I couldn't get to him before he fell off the sofa and bumped his head on the floor.
He started to cry with the pain. Then he noticed Iggle Piggle on the TV jumping up and down and dancing. So he decided to stop crying, start laughing and join in the dance.
The world has been with us forever. There will be calamities.
It is not going to get any worse, and it is not going to get any better.
How you think of these things determines what happens to you.
In this world pain is unavoidable but suffering is optional.
If you step on a cats paw it hisses and spits for a couple of seconds, and gets out of the way.
It doesn't bitch and moan for 40 years and hold a grudge against you.
The world exists to train you, to polish your spirit, to draw you higher, to make you shine.
How you do anything is how you do everything.
Fall over seven times, stand up and dance eight.

'You will be on this earth a short while. Everything that you do determines your state of consciousness. What you will experience. Be very careful to surround yourself with Truth. Discern wisely.' - Robert Adams.