I was introduced to a marvellous concept the other day, that nothing is happening, nothing is going on.
Time, the world, the planets, the universe is all illusion, a dream and your experiences, emotions and energy are all an hallucination.
When you dream it seems so real. Years can pass in a dream. You can go grow old, fly, breathe underwater, become young again, fantastic feats and it all seems so reasonable.
You can also have horrors, incredible fears and vile monsters.
When you wake up you realise the deception.
The idea is that there are many layers of this deception.
The Truth is nothing is going on.
It is a lovely concept, just thinking deeply on it makes you feel happy. Try it.
Keith says it makes him scared. You have to do something, you have to be someone, you must survive.
Keith is getting a lot more quiet nowadays but this idea woke him up.
So all the meditation, reading of scriptures, going to church, raves, all the things you do to get high is a waste of time. Any peak experience has not actually happened.
Any gain, any loss. Nothing has happened.
Just peace. Bliss beyond imagination.
And so to the random quote generator to sum up the above:
'I believe in an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out.' - Arthur Hays Sulzberger