Tuesday, 4 November 2008


It is important to take yourself off automatic. Break up a routine and think for yourself. Don't always follow the herd.
Everything can be considered a cult. A form of programming. Not just the more colourful creeds but all religions, western society, communism, capitalism, any regime of thought.
Guru Taleb suggested I gave up reading newspapers or listening to the news on television. Any important bit of news will come to you. For the last 3 years it has been very good advice. My life has become less cluttered.
I notice the 'free' newspapers being given out on the London streets. All those people receiving a limited point of view.
I hope they can discriminate.
What if every idea has been thought before? What if it has all been done before?
Hindu scriptures talked about the big bang and relativity 7000 years before Einstein.
It just might have all been done before.
It is a simple premise, The Truth never changes.
Ergo everything that changes is a lie. This world is a lie, the body is a lie, the mind is a lie. Einstein theories are a lie. Any thought regime is a lie.
I've always been seeking some deeper meaning. It has always been there in the background. Gently encouraging me to look.
My family was non-religious but I used to attend Sunday School by choice at the age of 7.
I enjoyed the stories and the simple messages but quickly realised the futility of man controlling man.
I trained as a scientist, a magician, a stand up comedian, I studied the occult. I became an atheist, until Richard Dawkins persuaded me not to be an atheist with his excellent book The God Delusion.
I am turning more spiritual now, but still non-religious.
It has been a very interesting journey. A journey that has been done before. Many times before.

"Basically ... out of all the ridiculous religion stories—which are greatly, wonderfully ridiculous—the silliest one I've ever heard is, "Yeah ... there's this big giant universe and it's expanding, it's all gonna collapse on itself and we're all just here just 'cause ... just cause. That, to me, is the most ridiculous explanation ever." - Trey Parker.