Monday, 1 December 2008


Everything has a consciousness, buildings, trees, people, animals. Everything.
Everything effects your thinking. Everything effects your action. Everything effects your being.
So keep good company and natural surroundings.
Reminds me of pigeons. The ones seen in London compared to the ones seen in the country.
Feet missing, misshapen, oily, tufted feathers, scratching at filthy pavements compared to the well groomed specimens hanging out in the woods dining on the finest grub.
Why don't these unhappy pigeons move to the country?
They are probably not unhappy. And they are not thinking. They are just going through the motions of existence.
London isn't bad, it just may not be the most natural habitat for most people.
I've always thought that for meditation to be any good you must be able to do it anywhere and at anytime. Not just for 30 minutes in the mornings and evenings but 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Not just in a nice warm room, scented with candles and permeated with relaxing music, but also in the heat of a war zone, scented with cordite and permeated with explosions.
SAS Meditators - that would be an interesting regiment. A platoon of soldiers floating around a war zone telling everyone to pack it in.
London could be the training ground.

Rely on Peace To activate your Manifold powers;
Pacify your environment
And create a beautiful world.
- Morihei Ueshiba.