'When I was a child, my parents told me never to open the cellar door. "Never open the cellar door," they said, and for many years, I obeyed them, although I always wondered what it was that was so dangerous behind the cellar door. And then one day, when there was no one around, I finally got up my courage... I slowly walked over... I put out my hand... and I opened the cellar door. And I saw wonderful things! Amazing things! Trees! The sky! Other children!' - Emo Phillips
That is one of my favourite jokes.
One day you decide that you wish to do more than look out of the door. You stop listening to the people around you, the people that mean well but have become lost and want the safety in numbers. You listen to your heart, your true self. And you realise you must get up, brush yourself off, leave behind all that held you in darkness, the anger, the rage, resentment, self-pity, meanness and leave the basement. You simply pick up your feet and get on with it.
You walk out the door.
'You cannot see or touch the Divine with your gross senses. The Divine is within you, not somewhere else. Unite yourself to the Divine, and you will be able to perceive gods wherever you are, but do not try to grasp or cling to them. ' - Morihei Ueshiba