Guru Challis asked me this morning if I had got the answer yet.
I replied 'Oh yes - I got that a while back.'
The truth is I always knew it. It had never left me. I'd just forgotten and covered it up with a lot of stuff.
And I still do. I get glimpses then get distracted. The pull of the world is very real.
Like a dog digging for a bone, sees a cat and chases it. I have yet to see a dog catch a cat. It is almost as if they don't want to.
Guru Basil couldn't sleep last night, he was fighting it all the way. So we did some 'Imagination'. We lay down and let go of the body, and let the mind chatter, let the thoughts come up and watched them.
'Don't think of an elephant!'
And the elephant appeared and we watched it. And then we soared off into the Universe and pretended to swallow all the planets into our body, then the Sun and the stars, then the milky way and the galaxies until there was nothing left.
And we sat in the silence, knowing that everything was inside us. We didn't have to be concerned about the past or worry about the future, we were enjoying the now.
'I'm in the now Daddy'
'How do you feel?'
'Relaxed and sleepy'.
He had stopped chasing his cat, stopped digging for his bone.
He was himself. Love.
'One does not need buildings, money, power, or status to practice the Art of Peace. Heaven is right where you are standing, and that is the place to train' - Morihei Ueshiba