Wednesday, 5 November 2008


Time is an illusion. All the clues are there. Even scientists are starting to realise.
You've got to love scientists; solve one problem by coming up with ten more. Busy busy busy.
The best bit in that article is from the lead scientist, Carlo Rovelli -
"It is not reality that has a time flow, it is our very approximate knowledge of reality that has a time flow," says Rovelli. "Time is the effect of our ignorance."
Buddha could not have said it better.
Reinventing the wheel though. It has all been done before. Or as time does not exist, it has all been thought, done, improved upon instantaneously. And then redone, rethought, re-improved ad infinitum.
But even that statement implies time.
But leads closer to the truth.
The concept of time is a limitation. Once you get rid of that limitation amazing things should begin to happen. Teleportation, prescience, omnipresence, you will never die and you can never be born.
Keith says that was a step too far, 'Where's the proof in the literature, at least the scientists are trying to put it in concrete terms. They are trying to understand it, you are spouting nonsense.'
I say if you get rid of another limitation, thinking, than you will be there.
Stop thinking and start experiencing.
We've all done it. Waiting for Christmas as a child. The conversations my mum had with her friends on the way to the shops, would they ever stop? Kissing my wife for the first time, seems like yesterday.
But that is not it either, those moments are again just pointers to the Truth.
Be still. Breath in and say to yourself 'I', breathe out and say 'Am'. Do this for a day.
I'll do it myself when I get the time.
Over to Guru Adams again:

'Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.' - Douglas Adams

'There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.' - Douglas Adams.